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TesseractOcrEngineGetLastJobInternalBitmapDimensions Method
Gets the dimensions of the internal image that was used by the OCR engine in the previous job.

Namespace: DevScope.Ocr.Tesseract.WindowsApp
Assembly: DevScope.Ocr.Tesseract.WindowsApp (in DevScope.Ocr.Tesseract.WindowsApp.dll) Version:
public TesseractOcrImageSize GetLastJobInternalBitmapDimensions()

Return Value

Type: TesseractOcrImageSize
The TesseractOcrImageSize instance, with the dimensions of the image.
This is required if you need to instanciate a WritableBitmap for example and you need to fill in the image dimensions
This sample shows how to access the internal image used by the engine in the previous ocr job, after pre-processing.
private WriteableBitmap GetLastJobBitmapUsedByOcr(TesseractOcrEngine ocrEngine, TesseractOcrJobResponse jobResponse)
    var wbsize = ocrEngine.GetLastJobInternalBitmapDimensions();
    var wb = new WriteableBitmap(wbsize.Width, wbsize.Height);
    return wb;
See Also